A recent collection of sunset pics from May 2009.
Category Archives: Randoms
The Windmills of Bruce County
I spent the better part of the Easter long weekend visiting on the the shores of Lake Huron in a small town called Kincardine. The chief industry of the area is nuclear power generation. Recently, there has been move to introduce wind generation into the power supply. In the farm land outside the town, dozens, […]
Why do I get excited about such random stuff?
Yes, it’s a 2D version of a 3D classic from the Moore Push-Pin Co. of Wyndmoor, PA. The push pin re-imagined as a single piece of corrugated steel. I don’t know why this has me excited enough to post about it. I think it must have to do with one of the basic needs of […]
New, custom 404 page
One of those oft forgotten details that falls through the cracks when redesigning a site, the custom 404 page is an art form unto itself. Check out some of those who have tread this path before.
The trick to comedy is timing.
More Fish pics
Here’s a link to the flickr set
Our fearless leader in colour.
I work for the Ontario Science Center’s Web Team. My boss is a strident advocate for the stuff that really makes the web worthwhile place: content. He recently spoke at the City of Toronto Web 2.0 Summit and his natural speaking ability reminded me of another well spoken leader.